We will be discussing why testing in martial arts is important to all practitioners, despite the primary reason for training. Testing has benefits beyond a ranking structure. Whether it’s Aikido or any other art, testing is crucial to self-development.
Martial Arts training is about self-improvement, one way or another. Why are you training? Common reasons include self-defense, confidence, coordination, health, learning self-control or new skills, exercise, and community. No matter the reason(s), we should all strive to be our very best at EVERYTHING we do. Cleaning the house, do it at no less than 100%. Want to learn an instrument, do so at no less than 100%. When we perform at 100% in even the most mediocre activities, we learn and develop skills as well as improve minds.

Mental fortitude is one of the hardest aspects of doing anything, especially since new hobbies and journeys are full of the unknown. There will be easy times but there will always be even more tough times. Engaging in martial arts will be tasking. You will be performing movements that are unnatural at first, you will be getting hit, you will fail, and you will get frustrated. The goal, however, is always attainable for everyone. Look to your peers and see that it can be done. It will be done. All you have to do is push yourself beyond your limits, specifically your MENTAL limits, and you will improve mind, body, and soul beyond what you thought.
Whether you realize it or not, simply attending regular sessions will progress you further along your journey. How long will it take to be proficient or even just competent? As long as it takes. That is where the mental discipline comes in to play. “A blackbelt is merely a white belt that never quit.” Often, those who do not seek promotion or blackbelt status are more likely to succeed and progress with less stress. They also make very fine martial artists and represent the community well. And the more effort you put in, the more result you will get out.
This is what testing is all about. It’s about validating your training. Not for the instructor or the school, but for you, the pupil. It’s important you find out what you are truly capable of, how much you can push your limits, and finding areas needing improvement. Everyone can become a better practitioner than their instructors or peers. All you have to do is train. Testing allows instructors to view your progress, but mostly, it brings out the best in you while reminding you of what you need to work on.
Training Tip: Test yourself often. Figure out what you do and do not know. Dedicate extra time to the material that needs development.
Testing Criteria
Progress is measured differently for everyone. Testing will be different for everyone. Why you ask? Because it depends on the test administrator and the student being tested. Let’s go over the elements of any given test.
- Curriculum – prescribed techniques, forms, and terminology; Within the rank requirements is the MINIMUM one should be familiar with to progress. I want to highlight “familiar” since this is vital to remember. Curriculum is not meant to be perfected in one rank level, or ever for that matter. It’s simply expected that the curriculum is shown as learned and performed in its most basic form, without aid. Students have the rest of their lives to improve any technique. With that said, proficiency of techniques from previous tests or rank requirements is expected to improve throughout training. Premium understanding of technical application is expected at higher ranks.
- Not all techniques, forms, or terms need to be “perfect”
- Not all curriculum must be fully understood by the student
- The hardest part of any curriculum is remembering it
- Defense – Defending against various types and levels of attacks, either contrived or uncontrived.
- Not all defenses need to be clean and precise
- Not all attacks need to be defended properly
- Stress Inoculation – Stress will be gradually introduced and increased throughout the test. Stress can be very subtle or it can be very blatant. Stress can be induced from very inconspicuous stimuli or very obvious stimuli. The level of stress you undergo will depend on test level. How well you handle the stress should improve over the course of your training
4. Fundamentals – postures, stances, movement, efficiency, entering, ma-ai, closing distance, etc. Are you employing these fundamentals and at what proficiency?
Become Your Best
Testing and Stress are NOT TO BE FEARED. Instead, they are TO BE WELCOMED!!! Only in times of uncertainty and necessity do we truly shine. Being pushed beyond our limits is how we improve and overcome the impossible.
Tests are design to do one thing… test you. If a test is easy, you’ve learned nothing about yourself.
“We are training to test; Testing is training!”
Every test administrator will determine the results based on their own experiences or expectations. There is no standard except for the one they set at any given level. The test will last until the administrator has observed enough to consider a pass or fail.
When are you ready to test? If you feel ready to test, ask and an honest answer should be received. Otherwise, wait until the instructor prompts you to test. If an instructor prompts you to test, your chances of failing will be less likely. It means they have been noticing progression and want to move you forward and show you what you’ve accomplished. How to fail a test every time? Give up.

NO EXCUSES! IF YOU EXCUSE yourself from a test, you are doing yourself a disservice. It will only hurt you. You will never be “prepared enough”, you will never “have enough energy”, it will never be “the right time”. Whatever your reason is, get past it and CREATE AN EXCUSE TO DO IT.
Do not miss out on a testing experience. It is truly one of the most humbling and honorable experiences you will ever have. YOU WILL HATE IT AT THE TIME BUT WILL BE EVER SO GRATEFUL AFTERWARDS.